Last week, while browsing one of the forums for model airplanes, I noticed an ARF kit of the plane I want to send to LA. The price had been reduced a bit and included shipping. I bought the model and have made preparations to change a few things that need changing for safetys' sake and for longevity. I dug out an old Fox .36 that someone gave me and put it on a board to see how it runs. It started well for the mid 20's temp. and ran steady for the few ounces of fuel I put in the tank. I also dug out the newer of my Fox .35's and started prepping that one for use also. I was going to put an Enya .45 in the plane but after reading the ad for the contest, profile models are limited to .40 size engines max. I built the Acromaster and put a Fox .19 on it. I took it to the new school nearby and got in a few flights with it. It should be a usable trainer. Speaking about "after the fact". After I ordered the kit of the same plane I bought to send to LA the contact person had a death in the family. It will take a bit longer to get the kit I'm sure but it's understandable. I had the plans of the Ringmaster enlarged 125% and built another Ringmaster. Powered by a K&B .40 this time. I got engines everywhere. Now I got planes everywhere too. I built eight since last march and still managed to burn 3 gallons of fuel, 4 ounces at a time. My wife and I moved the El-Camino into the garage and started work on that. All the rubber parts need replacement including the tires. Weather stripping, body mounts, etc. That will take the longest time. I want to get the whole rubber kit at once and not piecemeal. A new crate engine is planned to replace the old 350. Tranny needs rebuilding too.
Perry Rose