Sunday, June 12, 2016


I bought some acetone to remove the paint from the Banshee. The paint didn't loosen like I figured. I had to let the acetone soften the paint and then scrape it off. That caused some divots that I'm now filling. Cured Rustoleum is rugged stuff.
  I got the 610 trimmed pretty good and it flys quite well. Only 3 full flights so far.It turned out heavier than I had figured but it's quite light without the battery. Engine powered planes are weighed without fuel in the tank but electric is with the battery ready to fly.
  I got in a few trim flights on the 665 yesterday and managed to get a full flight. The engine quit at 3 laps so I tweaked the needle and tried again. It was a bit fast but I got some usable information and made some changes when I got home.

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