Tuesday, February 26, 2019

First flight.

We headed to the field around 1400 today. The weather had eased a bit and the wind and rain were less. I had the P-40Q ready to fly and got the engine started after a bit of haggling. I only put in 1.5 ounces of fuel as I didn't know what to expect. The plane is stable in level flight and turns corners quite well. The second flight saw several of the pattern maneuvers performed and I called it a day after that. I made a change to the elevator travel at home to tame it a bit. The home made muffler leaks and a lot of oil was left on the wing. I looked on the Brodak web site and found one that will fit and hopefully provide a better seal.  The Evo .52 has plenty of power for the plane.

Monday, February 25, 2019

I fixed it.

I had trouble with my electric Pathfinder. The motor wouldn't start. I tried several things to diagnose the problem without success. To make it easy on myself I ordered a new motor, speed control and timer. I also ordered some decals from Northeast Screen Graphics for the new P-40Q. Everything came in today's mail. I installed the decals then started trouble shooting the electric problem by installing the new speed control using the same old timer and motor. It started like it was supposed to so the old speed control was bad. At least I have a spare motor and timer.
  The Legacy is 99% finished. I'm waiting for the test flight of the P-40 so I can use it's engine. Both planes came out in the high 50 ounce range which surprised me a bit.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Almost ready to fly.

The fiberglass came in early and I had both planes ready for it. I decided on finishing the P-40Q before the Legacy.  I also bought some ready mix fillet material. I got to use it on both planes with pretty good results.
I went to the hobby shop to get the aluminum Monokote. I had aluminum paint. At the shop I found two rolls of covering and one of them felt lighter than the other. I bought both as I figured I would need both. When I got home I opened the light roll and found 6 feet now measured 30 inches. I called the shop and they said they would swap it out. I ended up needing the 30 inches as I figured I would.
  A few days later the weather was real dry so I sprayed the aluminum paint after brushing on the white for the canopy and the green for the glare shield. Then I sprayed on some clear for good luck. Today I assembled all the pieces after gluing in the hinges and control surfaces. Total weight is 58 ounces with one ounce of tip weight. The wing is 635 square inches in area with a 58 inch span. I ordered the proper decals for it and they should be in a few weeks. The plane will be ready for the contest here if I get to fly. Definitely for the El Dorado contest in early May.
  I'm still mulling over what design/color scheme to use on the Legacy. I think that one will be in the high 50 ounce range also.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Update on the fiberglass.

I ordered some, what I hope is half ounce to the yard, fiberglass cloth from Amazon. The last time I ordered it it came from China. This time too. About 6 weeks for delivery. I think I have enough from the last order to cover the new profile fuselage. It's about ready for covering then final assembly.
  Some of the club members are showing up at South Park for a look see and contest prep this morning.