Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Getting close.

As you can see I have entered another dimension. Twilight Zone kinda thing. I got the Legacy 40 painted and almost color sanded as much as I feel like color sanding which isn't much. The black was sprayed yesterday and needs a few more days to dry then a bit of sanding in preparation for the clear dope. It took eight hours of taping the checkers before paint and 2 minutes to paint and a half hour to remove all the tape pieces. The weather has been raining for over a month now and it's just too humid to spray the clear. The do over on the P40-Q into an L-17 Navion is just about ready for paint. I ordered some olive drab dope but they didn's have any so I back ordered it. They sent some enamel instead of dope. I plan to use that and spray 2 part clear over it for fuel proofing. The jury is out on the compatability of the two paints but I'll find out soon. I have to order some graphics for it. That is always a treat.


Unknown said...

Mr. Perry, how is your wife's recovery going? I just read your post and was unaware that she had a complete shoulder replacement. Please let her know we are praying for her recovery. The new paint scheme looks great! It was hard enough to compete against you with monocote!

All the best,

Steve Millet

Perry Rose said...

Hi Steve, my wifes shoulder is slowly getting better. I have to drive her to therapy and wait. Not much time for flying either but I sneak some in anyway. She should be ready to travel by Sept.


Unknown said...

Good to hear she is recovering. I've started another Novar. I hope to complete it in less than two years for a change.

All the best,
