Friday, August 18, 2023

First flights.

The temperature went into the mid 70's in the morning and I took advantage of it. I didn't have the engine running fast enough but it was enough to give me information to make some changes. First was the prop, I put on a biger one but the next morning it wasn't any better so I put the first one back on. The glow plug acted like it was not right so I put in a new one. I thought the venturi was too large but it's not. I was going to change the needle valve assembly but didn't have a spare. . Then I figured that more nitro would make me open the needle more and maybe that would do the trick. I mixed up a quart of about 8% nitro up from the 2% I use and ran the engine. I had to open the needle to lower the rpm to what I want and that did fix my problem. Plus more nitro makes a lot more power. I may get out tomorrow morning but the temperature is going up again. It's 104 right now.

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