Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fame and fortune.

Several months ago I senbt a picture of my Pixie Bob to the AMA magazine. When it appeared in the magazine I got an E-mail from a modeler in Bufffalo New York Saying he had two engines he would send me "no Charge". I couldn't resist. The "two engines" arrived in a box that weighed 12 pounds. I opened it to find eleven engines, some brand new, two handles, some fuel tanks, glow plugs and other goodies. This is the first time something like this happened to me. It's something you always hear about happening to someone else. I went to Texas, somewhere near Dallas, with my son to pick up a Jeep and flat tow back home. As usual he had planned the trip to perfection. The previous owner said that someone had pulled the hitch pin out of the tow bar and it had swung around and dented the fender around the left headlight. When we got home I noticed that the pin on the other side had worked loose and fallen out on it's own. The large pin that the hitch pin secured was still in place so no chance of damage. I changed the engine in my Jamison old time stunt plane and installed one of the engines I got in the box. There are three of the O.S. Max-S .35's amd I choose one of them as that size engine wa what was used 70 years ago. I'm getting used to it. s

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