Sunday, September 16, 2007

A use for the new school

I never had a use for school new or old. But in the town of Sterling, where I was born and raised, they built a new grammar school. It's out of the way and has a paved running track about a quarter mile long and a ball field and a soccer field. The track infield is paved also for about two thirds of the infield making it ideal for flying model airplanes. I've only tried control line models so far but r/c models will work too. 3.8 miles from my house it's a no brainer. I duffed in the Twister and the Ringmaster so far. In the horizontal eight the Twister scraped the fin and canopy causing minor damage and the Ringmaster bellied in today. I don't think the balance is right on that one. It is jumpy in flight. Again minor repairs.

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

There is something amiss if Sterling can afford to build that.