Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bad vibes.

The Shark 560 has a problem with poor engine runs. Against my better judgement I built it as the plans showed. I generally use long wood engine bearers and the plans had 3 inch long ones. That leaves several inches of balsa that isn't very stiff. The engine would start off fine and then speed up about a third of the way through the run. I tried other props, fuel tanks and engines. All with no change. The other day I made a 1/2" cheek piece to go over the original cheek piece. I made two saw cuts length wise and glued in two strips of 1/32" plywood to stiffen it as much as possible. I should be able to get in a test flight today after the car show.
 After coming in second at the electric car race the car was used to give anyone that wanted a chance to drive it around the running track at the school. On one outing the kids managed to break the rear wheel spokes. Luckily there was another wheel on a bike that was a bolt on replacement.  One of the kids that drove in the race asked for the car and the head teacher gave it to him. Without the electric parts. I removed the wiring harness and motor and boxed it up for the next car if one is to be built.

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