Thursday, January 24, 2019

A use for the raffle wing.

Last August at a contest in Canton, Ga I won a sheeted foam wing in the raffle. It's been hanging around since then. The Legacy is on hold until the fiberglass arrives and I've been looking at the wing.  Today I figured out what plane it would be best as a part of. I had a print of the Curtiss XP-40Q but discarded it a few months ago. I searched the net for the print and after a couple hours found it. I had enough left over balsa to start on the profile fuselage and enough for the tail pieces. I drew up the plans and got the fuse. started. I have a P-40B but this one has a different shape and looks like the P-51D or the P-47D. I'm going to use it in the warbird event as it's easier to handle than the Bearcat.

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