Sunday, September 25, 2022

.40LA test flights.

It took a bit of trying to get the engine started at the field. It spit the prop off only once but got running. The engine wouldn't hold a needle setting and speeded up at release. I tried several cures but they didn't work. I suspected the venturi was too big and at home I measured it and found it was a bit over .300 i.d. I removed the engine from the plane and searched for a suitable replacement. I found one that was .250 and drilled it out to .260. I ran it on the stand and as usual it was a lot easier to control. On the plane it generally is different. Anyway it's ready for another test tomorrow. Even with the engine running in a solid two stroke the plane isn't much of a hondful to get through the old time maneuvers. It does have the strips on the elevator and they help a lot.

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