Thursday, March 16, 2023

The waiting game.

I finished the new Pathfinder two days ago. Ready to fly weight is 52 ounces just like the old one. The weather has been cold in the morning so we have been doing other things instead of flying. Yesterday as I was mowint the lawn the 23 year old Cub Cadet's mower deck broke apart from rust. I scrambled to fix it so I could finish the lawn. This morning I looked up mower dealers and what they have on hand as I need another riding mower for next week. I foound that Lowes carries Craftsman mowers and that the price wasn't too bad. After a trip to the Apple store we stopped at Lowes and bought one. I'vehad two other Craftsman mowers in the past and they gave me good service so why not get another? It is scheduled to be delivered Monday afternoon. I removed the fittings that held the two side push mowers and will install them on the new mower. I figured on going to the field this afternoon but the wind wasn't playing along so I will wait until tomorrow. I'm anxious to test the revamped Legacy 40 and the new Pathfinder.

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