Friday, April 7, 2023

Bad weather.

I figured out a way to use a spray bar that had no needle. Without both it's useless, until now. I do have remote needle valve assemblies that came with the engines but the spray bar is too small for what I want to do with the engines so I remove the stock one and replace it with an aftermarket unit. I have two units that didn't have needles. They got broke in hard inverted landings. I soldered closed the end that the needle goes in and installed the remote unit except for the stock spray bar. The weather calmed down a bit and I got to the field and flew the new set up. It worked perfectly. The weather turned bad again and I was sitting in the shop trying to figure out what planes to bring to the upcoming contests. The Mo'Bestgot the nod but I figured I could improve on the control system. I measured the plans for control system set up and found it to be less than optimum. I couldn't get the push rods in holes that were the same distance as the plans. I found a flap control horn that was made for the Pathfinder and after some work got it mounted and hooked up. A few other tweaks to the plane and it's ready for a test flight.

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