Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Test and tune.

I finally got a second LA .25 engine for the first "Wild Thing" that I built. I made such a mess ot this plane trying to get the first .25 engine to run in a way it didn't want to. When I finally followed the advise I was getting the engine ran like it was designed to. This plane was so modified that I found it quicker to build a second copy than to un do all the stuff I did to this one. After getting the second plane flying I tackled the first one and got it back to where it was in the first place. All I had for it was an O.S. FP .20 engine. It was enough to fly the plane but now as well as the .25 so I put out a Mayday call for another. The second copy with the .25 got me a first place finish in the profile event at the last contest I went to which is why I wanted another .25 for the other plane. I did some changes to the needle valve asm. and got it installed into the plane today. I hope to fly it tomorrow.

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