Monday, January 5, 2009


I installed the wing and stab. in the Magician 510 this morning. Then I made up the push rod and got that to fit. I got a can of primer and tested it with the other colors and all is ready. I remembered to call Vintage Air about the heater for the El Camino and they have it. It should be here late next week. While I was talking to Vintage The mail man drove up and delivered the Ringmaster kit I ordered last week. I removed the laser cut parts from the sheets and glued some together. The main wing spar is 6 pieces, the fuse. is 7 pieces, the landing gear has to be bent from a 3 foot rod. I had trouble figuring out the gear mount pieces. I thought they were an adjustable lead out guide. The stab. and rudder are 3/16" balsa and I dont know why. 1/8" would do. I'm going to laminate the stab and elevator with a sheet cloth hinge. It's easier than installing hinges. I'm waiting for some econokote so I can finish the Magician. Maybe by the end of this week.

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