Saturday, May 2, 2009

Plans change.

The site for the Ringmaster Roundup has been changed from Houston to College Station TX. Some of the entrants wanted to move the date to the fall but a poll showed in favor of keeping the Memorial day date and moving satisfied the flu worriers. I canceled the hotel in Houston and am waiting for word on the new one.
The winds have slacked off and are quite flyable if it wasn't raining. I went fishing to try and catch a second fish to make another free meal yesterday. I had rigged a plastic worm with hooks at each end and one in the middle. I almost got a fish but it dropped off. Then I hooked a submerged branch and lost the worm. I had a silver lure with me so I put it on and after a fashion landed a 12 inch brook trout. I hooked another of similar size but it spit the plug out and the recoil shot the plug into the brush near my leg. It wasn't long after that I cast too near a rock and hooked another submerged limb and lost the plug. I have 2 more of the same plug to use. I'm running out of line, though, a few feet at a time. I've lost a bunch of hooks and now lures. Now with the rain the water level will rise and ruin my chances of a next meal.
Mothers day is next week so we will go out to eat this week end to beat the price increases and crowds.

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