Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First flight report.

We managed to get to the park early Monday morning. There was a bit of a breeze and that is a good thing. I only put one ounce of fuel in the tank in case there was a drastic problem I wouldn't have to fight the plane for a long time. To my surprise the plane flew very well. I missed the engine setting and it was very slow. Over a second per lap slower than it should have been. On the second flight, with one ounce in the tank, the speed was very close to perfect. The wings are level and it flys steady in level flight. I put an ounce and a half in the tank for the third flight and got in some basic maneuvers just to see how the plane reacts. So far so good. I added some nose weight when I got home by swapping the prop for a heavier plastic prop and a plastic spinner which fits over the heavy hub. The c/g moved forward maybe a quarter inch. Tomorrow I'll try the new combination if I can get out early enough and the grass has been mowed.

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