Monday, November 18, 2019

More changes and injuries.

I've been slowly building an electric "Jamison" for old time stunt. I modified an old fuselage from a "Smoothie" kit and built a new wing and tail. My attention got diverted to the Nomad Mule during this time. Why not convert it to electric? I had changed just about everything else. I bit the bullet and figured out how much of the nose to cut off to fit the new motor mount and electric motor. My band saw was too big to do the job properly so I attacked it with a coping saw and a hack saw. It worked pretty good. I had to open the other side of the fuselage where the fuel tank went so I could install a battery On the opposite side the fuel tank was on.. More coping saw work followed by a lot of sanding to smooth that out. The motor mount was drilled for the mount and glued in place plus a lot of balsa for fairing and reinforcement. After the motor was in the right spot I sanded things smooth and installed the electronics and tested it. Some white paint and a change of landing gear to shorter legs and it's ready for a test flight. At the field last week I managed to run a finger through the prop. It was a wood prop and it shattered the tips, not to mention my finger tip, so I couldn't get in any more flights. It's healing pretty good. I hadn't done that in a while. You would think I would learn.

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