Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I'm doing it again.

I've been looking at the Legacy trying to figure out how to put an electric motor in it. I have to shape the motor mount so the electric motor will fit but I don't have my die grinder handy. I made a slot for the new motor mount to sit and glued some plywood together for the mount itself. I ordered the parts I need from Brodak and they should be here shortly. I installed the Evo.60 in the Mandarin and got some flights with it this morning. The engine starts off all right but speeds up. I'm going to try a smaller propeller next time out. The prop was 12 inches long but my finger took a half inch off each blade two weeks ago. The Nomad 2 I converted to electric is flying well. I was curious as to the weight now. before it's weighed with an empty fuel tank and it was around 52 ounces. Now it's weighed with the flight battery installed. I was surprised to see 60 ounces on the scale.

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