Monday, December 7, 2020

Old plane is new again and other screw ups.

One of the people I see at the contests I go to bought Tom Morris' stuff. Then he took on the Badass line of electric motors. I saw him at the Zachary contest and bought a motor I figured that I needed. Today I found a use for it. Old Nomad 2 has been sitting idle for several months. No power system in it. I fit the Badass motor in it. Luckily the new motor has the same mounting holes as the smaller motor that was in the plane. I had to trim a bit of wood to get the motor in position and shorten the nose about a quarter inch for prop clearance. With a 4 cell 3300 mAh battery in place the balance is at the same spot as before. I plan to use the weak batteries I ruined in it. I figure 4 minute flights should work and not over extend the batteries. Maybe get first flights tomorrow. Yesterday I made some changes to the Legacy. I added more down thrust in the motor and I wanted to try it out. It was raining lightly and infrequently. I headed for the field and got in two flights in the rain. I made some changes to the line lengths while I was at it. At hoem I wiped the water off and put it up. This morning I noticed that I had flown the Legacy with the wrong lines and handle. I had to fly it to see what the changes had done to the plane. I was able to re set the controls and now I need to fly the other one and re set the controls there.

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