Saturday, February 20, 2021

Rainy Days and Mondays.

I was given an old design plane that had the wing and tail built. That came in handy as the weather has been very wet and then it got cold. Then cold and wet. The little plane has been ready for clear coat for a few weeks now and it's still quite cold. I got the 2 part clear in the but the can was very warm and waitring a day for it to cool proved wrong. The can is still sitting on the fridge ready for use. It doesn't matter one way or the other as it's beeen too wet and cold to fly anyway. We did manage to get the septic system re built after waiting over a week for a day without rain. We celebrated that victory at Big Mike's. Everything wa right with the world until the call that said there's no hot water. The hot water tank had sprung a leak. We managed to get a new one installed the next day. And it's still too cold to paint.

1 comment:

Qu'que chose said...

Pretty amazing week for sure!