Thursday, September 16, 2021

Hurricane aftermath.

I thought I had the fence finished. All the broken boards replaced, the posts cemented in, new 2 x 4's here and there and the mess cleaned up. I am planning on bracing the fence for the next go around and was walking the fence line counting the amount of braces I will need when I saw another 4 x 4 post leaning. I wiggled it and it is broken also. It's too far to reach with a cable and pull the remains out so I started to dig two new post holes, one on either side of the broken post. The problem is the posts are in a 4 inch deep puddle. I managed to get one hole dug and a temp. post installed to keep it from filling back in. It probably be a week or so until I can finish this latest fix. I contacted Lee Machine Shop to make two venturis for the two Evo .52's. He had made the one for the first .52 but didn't keep that info so we went over it again. I got the prototype and test ran the engine. I called Jim and ordered the other one. I may have to go to the park in Walker to fly if the local park isn't open soon. I finally got to see the graphics for the Navion. Right size but wrong font. I called and gave her tieh name of the right font so that sould be in soon.

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