Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Funny how that works.

I removed the shear web that interfeered with the leadout cable and things went for the better. I tried a 63" set of lines and they worked well so that's what I will use from now on. No other changes to the power and I had good tension throughout the pattern. I re read the articles Mr. Cunningham wrote in a newsletter about the model and it's doing everything he wrote about. From what I can glean from the small plans the kit has the c/g a bit further forward. Which is good. Right now my c/g is close to the aft limit which would put it in the middle of the page size plans. And that's without using any special wood or going crazy with light weight stuff or super thin finishes. The battery makes it about 8 ounces heavier than a fuel load. It carries the weight very well.

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