Saturday, November 11, 2023

Leak test.

The Vector/Brodak 40 combo is flying quite well. The only problem is there is a leak somewhere in the fuel system. I removed the engine and tank in one piece and submerged it in a pan of water while I pressureized the parts with a large syringe. I cicn't see any bubbles anywhere. I ran the systemn on the test bench and didn't see or feel any fuel escaping the engine or tank. Then I put it back in the plane and ran it. There was fuel starting to come out of the fuselage. The only place it could be coming from is the needle valve assembly. I removed the engine again and pressurized the n.v.a. and felt air escaping. I had another n.v.a. so I changed it and did a pressure test again with much better results. I may fly it in the morning along with the re built Jamison.

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