Thursday, January 11, 2024

Ready to fly.

The jury is in the plane is ready to fly. I don't know how the designer came up with the balance point on the plans but with the battery in the plane and all the weight I took off it balances an inch aft of the desired spot. I checked the other one and it balances aft also. Without the battery it weighs 45 ounces. The battery is 12 ounces and that is the lightest one I can find. I checked the speed controller and timer and the rpm is at 9200 and that should be good for a test flight maybe in the morning. Unlike a fuel powered plane electrics stay at the same weight throughout the flight. The others get lighter as the fuel is burned off. I was hoping for low 50 ounces but it is what it is. I just hope I don't need to ad tail weight or nose weight.

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