Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fox .35 saga.

After many flights and tank changes the Fox kept running at a 2 cycle and wouldn't go back to a 4 cycle in level flight. I remembered that I had done some hop up tricks to that engine about a year ago. I removed the hemi kit and put it on the other .35. I ran it today and it behaved like it should. I tried it in all the attitudes it will see in flight and it gave me the 2-4 break like it should. The other .35 now has a high speed crank I can't really use. I took out the parts from a damaged Fox .29 and the cranks looked alike. I removed the modified crank and put the .29 crank in. fit and stroke are the same. I installed it on the other kit built Primary Force and readied it for testing along with the second .35 powered PF. Cold and rainy today so I'll have to wait to test the engines.

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