Sunday, November 27, 2011

Big day at the new field.

I went to the field around 1100 and the club members were there in force. There wasn't much flying going on but that is normal for the Yankee Flyers. I got in 6 or 7 flights and Paul H. came over followed by Corky L. and his wife. By then there was 4 or 5 planes in the air at all times. I stopped by for a while and Spoke with Bob M. for a bit and the flying frenzy kept going. Bob had an ARF Ugly Stik looking thing with a 1.8 Saito on it. He wrung it out in good shape. I have never seen this club with all it's members fly that much before. Even Old Charlie got in a flight or two and not with a glider. One guy was taxing a Taylor craft around and another member said to just fly it." The Hangar 9 ARF's fly themselves". So up goes the power and the plane got off the ground, turned right and down went the power and the plane. Hard to tell about the damage but the club members still can't get it right.
I have been considering getting a utility trailer to haul the mowers around with but I really don't need one. I'm going to load up and find a place to unload at the field tomorrow. I got a spot in mind at the gate. I'll have to ride a quarter mile to the circle on the mower. There may be a spot closer, I'll have to look around first.

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