Saturday, September 9, 2017

Progress on the new one.

I've got most of the building done and it's up to filling and sanding. Lots of sanding. No flaps or elevators in the picture. It's a full fuselage version of my Nomad design with trike gear. I'm thinking of naming it Super Nomad.
  The club has been getting together on Saturdays for the last month. Lots of flying and talking. I'm not used to others being around when I fly so I set up in the other circle and use the stooge rather than haul the plane, with wires attached, to the circle, fly and haul it back to the pits.Today there was 4 circles in use. The two with the paved centers and two all grass circles. All kinds of planes flew. I've never seen this kind of activity in control line only r/c.

1 comment:

Sweet Pea said...

That's because you've got them talking and flying more!