Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Made out at the contest raffle, again.

We started for Tulsa at 0500 Friday morning. 700 miles later we arrived, a bit pooped and mad at the Waze and GPS systems.
At the contest Saturday I managed a third in the profile event and my Gypsy engine used up a lot of fuel and ran short both flights even though I put in more fuel for the second flight. There was three kids flying in beginner all from the same family I think. I told the mother to stay for the raffle as I always get a large box and with the Hyundai having 3 planes in it I will give it to the kids. As I predicted I won a large box with an ARF plane inside. I gave it to her. A few minutes later I won a plane all built and ready to fly that I gave her too. Others gave the planes they won so the kids are well stocked for a while. Or until grampa runs out of engines. To top off the raffle I won another plane scratch built by the late Mike Donovan. It's another Gypsy and painted not monokoted. I was stunned and managed to put it into the car. I won a bunch of other items that are usable and some that are not. I did get more than my moneys worth.
  We took a shorter route home but the time was the same. 685 miles this time. A two day trip up and back next time.
  I took the hungry engine out of my Gypsy and installed it into the new one. I used the fuel tank that came with it and it had a lot of black stuff in it that clogged the filter. It took a while to clean the stuff out and do some other trimming work on it for the first flight here soon.

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