Saturday, June 22, 2019

Back to glow power.

It took longer to change the front hub on the truck than I figured. It was three hours of hammering and chiseling to get the old unit off the truck. I was exhausted to say the least. I put the electric planes aside and got back to glow fuel power. It doesn't take long to get spoiled not having to wipe oil off the planes and then clean them when I get home. I do have the Twisters flying the best ever and I got some mods planned for the Nomad 1 and maybe 2. I found a piece of balsa interfering with the bellcrank on one Twister. The controls on both were not symmetrical either. I mixed up some fuel with more nitro in it as the temperature here is high. I'm planning to bring the glow powered SV-11 and the electric Nomad to the park in the morning. I flew the SV-11 today and it just didn't have enough power in the heat so I upped the nitro content and put the bigger propeller back on.

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