Sunday, March 15, 2020

Still trimming.

I started full flights after 4 short ones. I noticed that the ESC was quite warm after a flight. I opened the front air intake but it didn't matter so I opened the exhaust hole. Still no change. Then I moved things around so the ESC was close to the air opening but that didn't help either. Yesterday I removed the ESC and attached it to the bottom of the fuselage and rewired it. I got in three flights this morning and there was no problem with the ESC. After a flight or two the power would lower from 5.2 seconds per lap to 5.9 seconds. That battery would not be discharged as much as the others that ran at the proper power level and it happened to different batteries. It seems to be fixed now that the ESC is getting a lot of cooling air. It could be a quirk of the ESC. I have two others of the same brand and size in a full fuselage plane and it gives me no problem being inside the fuselage. And one on a profile and it's out in the breeze. I've been looking at the electric Nomad's paint scheme and I don't like it. It took a lot of hemming and hawing but I finally removed all the paint from the wings and tail. I'm in the process of re painting the trim in a different scheme that won't look so grammar school. Maybe early high school now.

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