Friday, July 26, 2024

New handle.

I sent one of my handles to a guy in England two others are in Texas. I posted some pictures of how to make the handle on one of the forums. I got a response that mentioned carbon fiber plate for the handle. I watched a video on cutting the material and didn't like what I saw. I had already ordered a thiner than recommended plate. I saw that my band saw has an outlet for a vacuum cleaner hose so I rigged it up and cut out two handle blanks.I've been flying one of the handles and so far it's working very well. I don't have any reinforcement for the line clips but the plante is holding up quite well. I timed the second handle to see how long it takes to make. 22 minutes. It takes a lot longer for the ply and aluminum handle. The weights are really close around a half ounce for both kinds. I thought the carbon plate would wear kinda fast but so far not so much. It's been raining every afternoon for over a week. The park is having trouble mowing and the grass is making take offs and landings harder that usual. I may have to bring my mower again. We finally needed tires on the Tundra. We went to Costco and got 4 new ones yesterday. I thought they did alignments too but they don't. I went to a local shop this morning and got that done. The temperature wasn't too high so I went to the park for a few flights with modified stabilizer leading edges. I think it made an improvement in how the plane flys. Then it started to rain.

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