Thursday, August 22, 2024

PT-19 again.

I have a person to teach control line flying. I got out the PT-19 and started flying it to get ready. The Evolution .36 engine just doesn't have the power to do anything except level flight. I timed the laps and it's the slowest I have ever flown. Almost 7 seconds per lap. I'm shooting for low 5 second laps. I put up about 10 flights with different propellers and engine speeds but nothing helped. After flying today I removed the Evo .36 and put an OS .46LA in the nose. That should give me what I'm looking for. I'll try again in the morning as Saturday morning I'm meeting the new guy and hope to get him soloed. He flys r/c so it shouldn't be too hard. The park was mowing as I left this morning.

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