Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting colder.

I've covered both planes finally. The new stuff works very well and I have to find out what to clean it with before paint. There is a coating on the film that allows the paint to stick and I don't want to remove it.
After the trip to the dentist yesterday I figured there would be moderate "discomfort". A jolt of Nyquil at bedtime and nothing since. I'm surprised after what it took to get the second root out. I guess that's why he makes the big bucks.
We are not the only ones to have problems because of the other dentist. My barber is loosing most or all of his teeth because of sloppy x-rays. They didn't show the end of the root and lots are abcessed. I told the barber I call it unprofessional but it's really malpractice.
0.1 degrees this morning and forecast below zero tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Qu'que chose said...

Damn. This is giving lots of business to the ethical dentists. Malloy should give us Moosupians some state funding since we're keeping the dental profession in business.