Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring as last.

The last of the snow piles melted on Sunday. It was the leftover from the garage roof.
I burned the brush pile and Christmas tree which wasn't quite dry and took a while. Without the tamaracks there wasn't too much to burn.
I took the PT-23 to the school and the engine ran really strange. It would speed up for a lap or two and then slow to normal for a lap or two. I've never had that happen before. I did the unthinkable and changed fuel tanks without doing anything else. I couldn't get the needle out and there may be some crap in the spray bar. I'll have to open the hole in the fuse. and take it out and check. I have a new needle valve asm. if it comes to that. Or change engines.
I washed the El Camino Friday and used it to go to the school. It's running good.

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