Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to the beginning.

I headed for the r/c field early today. I remeasured the place for the new circle making sure I had clearance from the pipe in the ground. It's 80 feet from the center of the circle. Then I got my push mower running and mowed a 72 foot arc through the hay, which has grown to 6 inches high. I had the mower at it's highest mowing point plus more with the levers resting on the top peg instead of in the hole in the middle of the lever. It took a half hour to get the first pass done. I lowered the mower to the mid range of the adjustment and mowed the outer 12 feet lower to provide a usable runway. I removed the 2 sections of fence and dug out the in the ground support pipes and lowered them to ground level then mowed the grass under the fence. So far so good. I got out a plane and set up next to the pipe as the wind was favoring that spot. I got in four flights and landed in the new grass twice without incident. The winds were very favorable but the temp. was getting high so I replaced the fence sections, packed up and went home.
After about 20 years I'm back to mowing the flying field, this time with other motives. And using the club's mower.

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