Monday, October 3, 2011

Another find.

I had found a note on the Ringmaster 576 plans that said the plane would hunt in level flight if the leadout position was forward of that shown on the plans. My plane did hunt so I moved the leadouts to the plan position. It did fly better but still not dead nuts stable. This morning I figured the only place left was the leadout guide. I use the rivet portion of some pop rivets for the leadouts to pass through and the cable may be dragging on the metal rivets. Out with the old and in with nylon tubes. I went to the little league park and the plane flew very well in level flight. So much so I went through the fleet and changed 3 or 4 more to the nylon tubes. Two planes have the Brodak adjustable leadout system and that has nylon sliders to begin with. I'll have to bring some tubing with me and see about the Primary Force and the Twister.

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