Monday, April 1, 2013

Early flights.

The forecast is for strong winds and cold. It was calm at 0830 so I headed for the field before the winds hit. I got in 6 flights before the fuel ran dry. Then I figured it was time to burn the spruce cones on top of the stump. I split a bunch of old lumber and had a good fire raging for a few hours. I got rid of all the cones and have to wait for the fire to go out to see how much of the stump has burned away. There appeared on the hill a large pile of leaves. I dragged that off to the compost heap. Then I took the mower out and put the charger on the battery. After 15 minutes I hit the starter and it fired up right away. Then I ran over the remaining leaves and mulched them up a bit. An engine de gunking was needed after sitting all winter seeing that I had the hose hooked up incase the fire got away.

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