Monday, December 1, 2008

Ebay rules.

I spent the morning yesterday carbing up for my items ending on ebay. I ordered the emblems for the Magician from Tower. The plane is a bit tail heavy thanks to moving the stab. back 4 inches. I put a heavy hub on the engine and with most all stuff installed the balance is close to the plans. Weight is under 35 ounces so that came out right.
I put all my items on ebay with in an hour and they ended in a flurry. I spent 4 hours getting the cheapest postage and the listings said US and Canada. So I had buyers from Brazil, Canada and Italy. The tectonic plates are moving faster than I thought. Any way 6 big ones richer. I have several other r/c engines to put up along with some NOS parts for YS engines and 3 tuned pipes and a Super Tigre header. Plus some Cox 049 glow heads. And my big box of balsa scraps and sticks. More room for more planes.
The El Camino brakes are in limbo but I think I found the problem. I put a rubber boot on the end of the second master cylinder and it jammed the push rod which held pressure on the brakes. It's been raining lately so I haven't been able to test it but the wheels turn now when the pedal is released. NAPA didn't have the right part so I had to re install the one I had. I hope it don't leak like the first one.

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