Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Another change.

I built Nomad 4 using measurements from another plane. The nose moment was 10 inches from the prop washer to the wing leading edge. My other Nomads are less than that and have a better corner. But what to do about it. I thought about cutting an inch off the nose and relocating the engine but that could be a poor decision. I had two prop shaft extensions 3/4 inch long. I had let one go with the Gypsy as it needed it and I still had one left. I planned on just moving the engine back 3/4 inch and using the extension the prop would be in the same location without cutting anything. I did have to remove a barrier between the engine and fuel tank but that was no problem. I put the engine in place and installed one screw to hole it while I did same measuring to get the thrust vector right. I got the extension and put it on the engine shaft and a propeller but the internal thread of the new elongated nut was too big. I needed a new nut the right size. I called Brodak but they were out of stock. Then I emailed Lee machine shop and he had one that will do the job. I got it 3 days later and it's the right piece. Now I was able to set the thrust line and finish screwing the engine in place. I flew it this morning and it's a lot more stable in level flight and has a better corner. Now I'm fighting with the engine trying to get it to run where I want it. More nitro next time out.

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