Sunday, September 13, 2009

More rain.

I did get to the NAPA store for my refund on Thurs. When I got home I headed for Benny's. I pass within 1/4 mile of the local NAPA store and almost went there instead. At Benny's they had two covers, one Yankees and one Patriots. I went to the NAPA store and they had a black plain one on the shelf. End of search.
It rained Thurs.,Fri. and ,Sat. windy too. Today, Sun., it's quite nice and I went to the dog track and got in six flights. The humidity is climbing fast making it miserable.
My mother's house isn't selling because of the dug well so we are having one drilled. They are supposed to start last week but didn't.
The headliner installer didn't call with a date either. I'll give him a call Mon. to see what his schedule is.

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Rainy and crappy down here for the last 5 days as well. Supposed to clear by next weekend.