Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moving right along.

I started cleaning the replacement dashboard and it has a lot of separate assemblies. I have to be careful to keep the screws in place when I take a part off. After cleaning I replace it so it don't get lost. The dash has a layer of clay dust that is hard to remove. It just spreads around when wet.
I moved the divider wall under the lean to so I have 6 more feet of parking space for the winter. I got the El Camino transmission shifting about where I think it should. It's running well also. The tonneau cover should arrive today too. The Herculiner really holds things in place, you don't want to kneel on it though.
The old time model I built from enlarged mag. plans got painted last week and is out gassing waiting for the clear dope and monokote to arrive from Tower hobbies.
I have been practicing the complete stunt pattern lately and it's a bit raggedy so far. I hold a call card and look at the next maneuver while doing the two laps between maneuvers. I also figured out how to stop the plane from bouncing on landing. Just as it touches down or slightly before, I give it down and plant the wheels on the ground. It makes for a nice tail up wheel landing. And with a full 4 ounces of fuel I can get the whole pattern in with enough time left for a second 4 leaf clover. The $20.00 ebay Fox .40 is coming along nicely.

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