The flying weather has not been that good lately. The winds at the dog track have been from different directions every 10 feet of altitude. I got in part of a flight today more to test the engine run than anything else.
The new plane, I'm calling the Lightning 20-10, is taking shape as a kit. I have the foam wings cut, the leading edges molded, the fuse. sides cut and the doublers cut plus the engine crutch made. I'm changing the name from Lightning 2000 to 20-10 as I reduced the plans 10%. It kinda fits.
I have been getting my teeth worked on by the new dentist lately. She worked on one last week and it was not happy. I figured it would calm down and it did but the infection wasn't going away fast enough. She got me some penicillin. I had another appointment today to finish up last weeks work and change a filling that needed it. She didn't like the situation after filling the tooth and attacked the infection with vigor to say the least. Anyway things are fine now, she did a good job. I did manage to bite her finger when she asked me a question and put her finger in my mouth at the same time. But Mr. Happy Tooth still got his ass kicked.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Getting organized.
I got the wing plans from Dave Cook at the contest in Wrentham. He designed a plane that is supposed to be good in the wind. It is a .60 size plane with an "I Beam" wing. Not something I want to tackle. I don't want a .60 size plane either. Staples reduced the plans 10% and now it has a 54 inch wing span and I am going to cut a foam wing for it. I'll keep everything true to the new scale though.
I have about 3 quarts of fuel left and may have to ration it until heading for LA. I want to have a quart for the contest and I figure I have enough for 19 full pattern flights from the 64 ounces I can spare. I went out in the wind and did a pattern with the plane doing 6.1 second laps. Well most of the pattern. In the reverse wingover it went richer inverted and I had to skip the second climb. I'm surprised it did the other stuff.
The guy that's taking the logs called and said he has someone to pick them up and should be here this afternoon. I'm waiting for a call from Gearhead, the place I got the distributor for the El Camino. It seems they raised the price of the free shipping. The credit card bill has $375.00 instead of $75.00.
I have about 3 quarts of fuel left and may have to ration it until heading for LA. I want to have a quart for the contest and I figure I have enough for 19 full pattern flights from the 64 ounces I can spare. I went out in the wind and did a pattern with the plane doing 6.1 second laps. Well most of the pattern. In the reverse wingover it went richer inverted and I had to skip the second climb. I'm surprised it did the other stuff.
The guy that's taking the logs called and said he has someone to pick them up and should be here this afternoon. I'm waiting for a call from Gearhead, the place I got the distributor for the El Camino. It seems they raised the price of the free shipping. The credit card bill has $375.00 instead of $75.00.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Stuff from the car show.

Carl Main had a large screen TV stolen from his new house on the hill. Lots of strange things going on after dark lately.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pictures from the contest.
This is Buddy. Same size as Shelbie almost the same colors.

To see all 78 go to and click on the sign up for the forum link under the girls picture
then click on Mass Cup in the general discussion section.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Making progress.
I went to the dog track early today with the Padre and the PT-23. I added a foot to the lines on the Padre and it flew better. I removed the one footers and put on two footers and it flew better yet. I also put a restrictor in the uni-flow vent so ram air wouldn't change the engine run so much. It seemed to work but there wasn't much wind. The PT-23 flew with the outside wing up. I tweaked the flaps and it got a little better. At home I really tweaked the flaps and the joiner wire broke at the 90 degree bend. I was lucky it didn't break inside the fuselage. I wrapped a piece of thin sheet metal around the wire and soldered it to the wire. then I epoxied the ends to the flap. I went back to the dog track and I had set the flaps the wrong way and it was banked like it was flying the circle by itself. I tweaked the flaps the right way and it was better but not perfect. I didn't dare tweak it again and I will have a tab on it to bend.
Flying with 63 foot lines gives me more time for the maneuvers. The plane is flying faster ground speed but slower lap times. Good tension overhead but I added another .4 ounce weight to the tip weight box anyway. I would have won the Mass Cup with this set up.
Flying with 63 foot lines gives me more time for the maneuvers. The plane is flying faster ground speed but slower lap times. Good tension overhead but I added another .4 ounce weight to the tip weight box anyway. I would have won the Mass Cup with this set up.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
3 for 3 plus 1.
I entered three classes this weekend and placed in all three. Plus I got the award for best classic plane. As in best looking.
I got in my first flight after a test flight this morning. The test was right where I wanted it to be but the contest flight was too fast. I still scored a high of 480 Averaged to 453 which was posted. I worked on the engine and the second flight had better air and slower engine run which got me a high of 490 averaged to 471.5 but the 490 was posted which got me first place and a spot in the fly off for the Mass. Cup trophy. That flight was slower yet but the maneuvers were too fast somehow. I think the engine ran faster down wind but the lap time was 5.5 sec. Putting the tank on pressure may cure this problem. Ram air into the tank up wind and no ram down wind. I didn't win the trophy. But a first a second and a third plus the best classic plane isn't bad for one weekend. One judge said I should build a real plane and move up to expert next year. Real meaning a full fuselage plane. I just got here.
I got in my first flight after a test flight this morning. The test was right where I wanted it to be but the contest flight was too fast. I still scored a high of 480 Averaged to 453 which was posted. I worked on the engine and the second flight had better air and slower engine run which got me a high of 490 averaged to 471.5 but the 490 was posted which got me first place and a spot in the fly off for the Mass. Cup trophy. That flight was slower yet but the maneuvers were too fast somehow. I think the engine ran faster down wind but the lap time was 5.5 sec. Putting the tank on pressure may cure this problem. Ram air into the tank up wind and no ram down wind. I didn't win the trophy. But a first a second and a third plus the best classic plane isn't bad for one weekend. One judge said I should build a real plane and move up to expert next year. Real meaning a full fuselage plane. I just got here.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
One for the high light film.
I got to the contest and there were several people ready to fly but only 7 willing to compete in old time and classic. I had engine failure at the same place in the old time pattern on both flights. The plane bellied in both times just bending the gear. On my flight in classic with the Ruffy I started the reverse wingover and pulled out inverted for a half lap then hit down for the climb back overhead. The plane came in on me and I started backing up quickly and got about ten feet when I fell over on my back. I re acquired the plane and pulled up. The airplane came back to level flight and I got up and back in the circle and continued the flight as if nothing happened. The Fox ran well through three of the four loops in the clover when it ran out of fuel and stopped. Even with the wingover the clover and the landing messed up I got 379 points. A complete flight would have produced 425 at least. I passed on the second flight and packed up. Enough excitement for one day.
I hit a key here and changed the type style again.
Tomorrow is the normal AMA classes.
I hit a key here and changed the type style again.
Tomorrow is the normal AMA classes.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Early morning flight.
I got to the dog track about 0745 in order to take advantage of the lighter winds. It was a little bumpy but no strong winds. I wanted to get a flight on the Padre to make sure it was still running right. I flew it twice and made a needle adjustment on the second flight of one click richer. Flying the other planes has made a mess of flying the Padre as I found out. I made a handle adjustment on the down line to lessen the control as I make too small outside rounds. Insides are pretty good. When I got home the wind had picked up just like yesterday.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tough times.
We called a tree cutter and got no reply so I called another and am waiting for a reply. I have a guy that will take the logs so that should cost less.
I've been moving stuff down to the basement and I put up another shelf. I got another board but no shelf brackets.
I cut into the Ruffy and installed a bigger tank as I didn't have enough fuel to finish the pattern. The original came out hard. I also put the E-prop on to see how it works. I got in one flight and the engine ran rich but for 5 min. 30 sec. A bit leaner and I should get 6 mins. out of it. A bit less oil would help too but it seems to like my mix. The strap on flow through muffler don't fit tight and there's oil covering the bottom after a flight. Real messy. I put aluminum landing gear on the ringmaster and tried it today too. It didn't bounce and stayed on it's wheels which is a good thing. Hardly any wind here but a good 20 at the dog track. I need to get the Padre out Thurs. or Fri. to make sure it's running right. Then it's off to Wrentham on Sat. and Sun.
I've been moving stuff down to the basement and I put up another shelf. I got another board but no shelf brackets.
I cut into the Ruffy and installed a bigger tank as I didn't have enough fuel to finish the pattern. The original came out hard. I also put the E-prop on to see how it works. I got in one flight and the engine ran rich but for 5 min. 30 sec. A bit leaner and I should get 6 mins. out of it. A bit less oil would help too but it seems to like my mix. The strap on flow through muffler don't fit tight and there's oil covering the bottom after a flight. Real messy. I put aluminum landing gear on the ringmaster and tried it today too. It didn't bounce and stayed on it's wheels which is a good thing. Hardly any wind here but a good 20 at the dog track. I need to get the Padre out Thurs. or Fri. to make sure it's running right. Then it's off to Wrentham on Sat. and Sun.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Basement upgrades.
I came across some posters from the lounge and had the idea to put them up on the basement walls. I had to install some wood strips to tack them to and after the pictures I put another strip along the end wall to be used as a coat rack. The first and second pictures were taken from the fuel tank end and the other fromthe stair end. The band saw was left by Mike. Nice tool as is the wood lathe behind the saw The electric plug in strips are barely visable over the desk and behind the saw.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
More changes.
I painted the spinner I put on the Ruffy so it looks like it belongs. I put a longer elevator control horn on the ringmaster to delay the stalling in maneuvers a bit. It's kinda scary doing loops and the plane barely misses the ground. I'm looking hard at changing the gear on it too.
I figure I'll need 15 gallons of methanol for the coming year. Should cost about $100.00 with containers.
I figure I'll need 15 gallons of methanol for the coming year. Should cost about $100.00 with containers.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Still no hurricane.
I got to looking at the Ruffy and didn't like the fit of the spinner. I removed the engine, put a new sandpaper disc on the sander and trimmed the nose a bit. It looks better now. I put the original wheels on the ringmaster as the good looking ones are made of super ball rubber. I didn't realize how bouncy they are. The rules allow changing landing gear material but it would be a chore to remove the wire gear and install aluminum pieces. Another winter project.
Dead calm and sprinkles, some hurricane.
I almost got in a full old time pattern this morning. The ringmaster is so easy to stall it makes simple loops a challenge. The landing gear is so springy it's almost impossible to land with out bouncing several times. I've tied the legs together but I think they spring forward and outward still. I should put aluminum gear on it. The Ruffy is much better since all the adjustments. Good line tension in the overhead stuff. I added a bit more nose weight as it climbs when the engine stops.
I got my Tower order yesterday. I bought a 12 volt battery that straps to the electic starter. Getting the inverted engines going without a helper isn't easy. With the remote starter capability I can put a bit of pressure in the tank with the fuel syringe and hit it with the starter and it starts. No chance of flooding as the fuel drips out when the engine isn't turning.
The AT&T guy said he fixed the problem with our phone.
I got my Tower order yesterday. I bought a 12 volt battery that straps to the electic starter. Getting the inverted engines going without a helper isn't easy. With the remote starter capability I can put a bit of pressure in the tank with the fuel syringe and hit it with the starter and it starts. No chance of flooding as the fuel drips out when the engine isn't turning.
The AT&T guy said he fixed the problem with our phone.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Ruffy flys again.
I went to the dog track at 0800 today. I wanted to try the Fox .35 on the fuel I mixed. First flight went OK so I tweaked the needle two clicks, richer I think. The second flight was right on the money. A nice 4 cycle level and two cycle in maneuvers. There was very little line tension at 45 degrees up and higher. When I got home I cut into the wing tip to get at the leadout guide and made more travel available plus moving the leadouts forward about 3/8". I also added 1.5 ounces of weight in the right wing tip. That should keep the lines tighter. I also changed the lines to the 58 footers from the ringmaster and added a 12 inch extension which is still a 2 foot reduction in line length from what I had today. That and all the other stuff should get me good tension all around. I noticed that the hinge gaps were not sealed so I put some packing tape on the flap and elevator hinge lines. Windy weather headed this way and the party on Sunday will keep me from flying until next week some time. I haven't flown the old time pattern yet. The classic event uses the same pattern I'm using now.
Today should be the last day of the heat wave. 70's forecast for the weekend. I mowed the lawn this noon and it is hot.
Today should be the last day of the heat wave. 70's forecast for the weekend. I mowed the lawn this noon and it is hot.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It is summer.
Low 90's and high humidity. Start flying by 0800.
I've been shifting my building room into the basement lately. The dryness is almost as good as an air conditioner. I had to mix some fuel for the Fox .35 in the Ruffy. It needs a lot of oil I got around 30%. I'm running short of fuel with a gallon left. That should get me to the Baton Rouge contest if I'm carefull. I think I burned 13 gallons since last October. I'm going to get 15 gallons of methanol at the drag strip when we get there. The 2.5% nitro mix is working well for me. I finished wiring in two plug strips today. Now I have some place to plug in the drill and grinder and other stuff. I was able to remove an extension cord that provided power to the de humidifier and band saw and drill press.
I've been parking the Dodge between the garage and the tamaracks. I noticed today that one of the trees has a broken branch right above the truck. I moved it back to the hard top. Both trees are slated to be removed after the party this weekend.
I started the bike and ran it around the yard for a bit. Still running good but I haven't looked for a shorted wire under the tank yet.
You may know that the garage is sold finally. I have reservations on the deal closing.
I've been shifting my building room into the basement lately. The dryness is almost as good as an air conditioner. I had to mix some fuel for the Fox .35 in the Ruffy. It needs a lot of oil I got around 30%. I'm running short of fuel with a gallon left. That should get me to the Baton Rouge contest if I'm carefull. I think I burned 13 gallons since last October. I'm going to get 15 gallons of methanol at the drag strip when we get there. The 2.5% nitro mix is working well for me. I finished wiring in two plug strips today. Now I have some place to plug in the drill and grinder and other stuff. I was able to remove an extension cord that provided power to the de humidifier and band saw and drill press.
I've been parking the Dodge between the garage and the tamaracks. I noticed today that one of the trees has a broken branch right above the truck. I moved it back to the hard top. Both trees are slated to be removed after the party this weekend.
I started the bike and ran it around the yard for a bit. Still running good but I haven't looked for a shorted wire under the tank yet.
You may know that the garage is sold finally. I have reservations on the deal closing.
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