Sunday, September 12, 2010

3 for 3 plus 1.

I entered three classes this weekend and placed in all three. Plus I got the award for best classic plane. As in best looking.
I got in my first flight after a test flight this morning. The test was right where I wanted it to be but the contest flight was too fast. I still scored a high of 480 Averaged to 453 which was posted. I worked on the engine and the second flight had better air and slower engine run which got me a high of 490 averaged to 471.5 but the 490 was posted which got me first place and a spot in the fly off for the Mass. Cup trophy. That flight was slower yet but the maneuvers were too fast somehow. I think the engine ran faster down wind but the lap time was 5.5 sec. Putting the tank on pressure may cure this problem. Ram air into the tank up wind and no ram down wind. I didn't win the trophy. But a first a second and a third plus the best classic plane isn't bad for one weekend. One judge said I should build a real plane and move up to expert next year. Real meaning a full fuselage plane. I just got here.

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