Monday, May 23, 2011

Cloudy and cool, again.

We brought the Dodge to the garage Sun. morning. The problem really feels like the clutch disc is coming apart. Sometimes it shifts fine and sometimes it shifts harder and sometimes I have to shut the engine off, put it in gear and start it back up with my foot on the brake. All fluids are full and no visable leaks. Another thought, a mouse nest.
I put two planes in the El Camino and went to Wrentham, MA for the fun-fly. 51 miles. There were about 20 planes ready to go and a steady stream of flights going on. I chatted with several people and told Dave Cook what I did to the plans he gave me. I should have brought the plane. On the way out at the first stop light there were police blocking traffic. I got there a moment before the two hours long motorcycle rally went by. I was second in line and when it was over I got out at the change of the light.
The hot rod insurance starts today and I noticed the rear end weeping oil. It's been doing that since day one but it's bigger now. Hopefully it's not the pinion seal.

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