Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sucessful trial run.

The piston swap didn't work as hoped. It did run better but still ran away when the tank neared empty. I removed the engine from the plane and from the Twister and swapped them. I installed a new head on the bad engine to raise the compression back to stock levels. Then I installed it on the Twister. Test tomorrow maybe.
It started to sprinkle around 1100 so I loaded up the mower and headed for Oneco. I pushed it on the truck at home and drove off the drive at the field and pushed it off. I parked the truck and drove the mower through the gate onto the field pulling the outrigger mower behind. I hooked them together and lowered the mower deck and holding the tape measure at 75 feet started enlarging the circle. I took 3 trips around until I was on the original circle and then started the other mower and raised the deck to match it's cutting height. I don't need real short grass outside the takeoff and landing area. By now the rain is heavier but not to bad. I kept going as stopping was out of the question. It took an hour to finish and I went over the low cut area again to blow the cuttings off the circle. The town crew that was mowing yesterday didn't mow in the circle as I had hoped. My grass was shorter than his newly mowed grass but there was a bunch of tall spike weeds starting to grab the lines so I mowed them down. I did find a baseball and a golf ball in the grass.

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