Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A different bike.

We went to the turkey farm on Ekonk hill Sun. and a group of motorcycles pulled in right behind us. One of the Harley's had a trike set up but retained the original rear wheel. Two other wheels, like training wheels, were attached to the rear end using some kind of bracket. Commercially available it had molded fiberglass fenders and all 3 back wheels were on the ground at the same time making a 4 wheel trike. It has AZ plates so I figured it may be normal. That evening while leaving a restaurant in Guilford I saw another 4 wheel trike go by. I think it's a movement. Just thinking about it gives me one.

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

I saw one of those one the return trip from Atlanta on the BMW once. It was on I20 heading east. I wanted to jump the median divider and go beat some sense into the nerd.