Sunday, December 11, 2011

Finally got it.

I made a pair of popsicle sticks to clamp in the flaps so I can see how much I've tweaked them. I went to the field and flew a ounce and a half flight and the wing was low on the right side. I gently tweaked them this time and flew again. Better so I gave it another slight tweak and put in 3 and a 1/2 ounces of fuel. The wings were much better and I flew a full pattern. The plane kept good tension through all the maneuvers and is steady in level flight plus good corners. Can't ask for much more.
I got the urge this morning and masked off the Banshee for the second color. I was going to use white and red but changed to white and green instead. Two coats of Rustoleum John Deere green and it's hanging up to dry for a few days.
Winter is sneaking around. The temp barely hit 40 today. I fear that on the 21'st we will get it. Just like summer, it's cool until June 21 then hot and humid over night.

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