Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A post mortem.

I flew the salvaged profile after making some changes to get more turn. I shortened the elevator horn and eventually got 25 degrees each way. I also removed the 2 degree offset engine shims. This morning I got in a short flight, made a line length change then another short flight and another line length change. By now it was flying pretty good.  One last short flight to check the turn and level flight. After being satisfied with the corners I tried a horizontal eight. Going into the second eight, right as I reached vertical and changed to an outside loop the plane didn't respond at all. It went into a wing over  as I moved the handle trying to get some reaction from the plane but it was not to be. Over the top and straight into the ground at full speed. The foam wing exploded, the fuselage broke in half and the propeller was toast. It was a pretty good wing over though. I picked up the pieces so no one would know and took out the back up plane.
  At home I salvaged the hardware, cleaned up the engine and after a while I found the problem. The elevator to flap push rod was made from an arrow shaft with Dave Brown plug in ends. I forgot to glue the elevator end in place and it vibrated out causing the clevis to fly in close formation with the rest of the plane.
  At least I didn't waste any clear on it.
  Next up, the big Shark, today's backup plane, and the Nomad X with new gap seals. And a hair cut.

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