Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another low pullout.

I went to the dog track yesterday and started a flight. At the finish of the vertical 8 The plane pancaked. The prop broke both blades off and the engine continued to run but stopped before I could get to it. As usual the muffler broke off taking one of the mounting holes on the engine with it. I glued the rudder back on and put glue on the section where the muffler crunched into the fuse. The landing gear was bent but easily straightened. I managed to install an old strap on flow through mufffler and it's ready to go again. I should start taking a spare plane so I can get in more that 2/3 of a flight.
I found a Vector ARF kit on ebay and was watching it but I don't need it so I didn't bother. It went for $92.00 + 17 shipping. Brodak sells the kit and it's $129.00 + shipping. Somebody got a good deal.
The new Vicar is coming along should be done in two weeks. OS .40/.46 for power. Same engine block for both.

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