Monday, June 21, 2010

Flying in the morning.

We went to the dog track around 8 am and I got in two good flights with the Padre. Richard Wood stopped by with his grandson and we chatted for a while. When I got home I went over the fleet that had plastic tanks and re-set/secured all of them.
I saw the pictures of a Jeep Cherokee and then saw one on the road and I had an idea for the rocker panels. Rustoleum flat black from the bottom of the black plastic door protector to the bottom of the rocker panel. No worrying about matching color that way.


2Evil4U said...

I was thinking the same thing, except with that bed-liner stuff after I replace the panel.

Perry Rose said...

The Rhino liner I got for the El Camino cost $100.00 and has pieces of rubber in it. Makes a real rough surface but tough as nails.